
We finished our bag project and I think the boys did a superb job. They were both very particular about their designs and full of ideas. We did have to have a little discussion on functionality versus aesthetic, then we had to have a big talk about safety and concentration while using a machine but they worked it out in the end and sure are proud of their very own hand made bags! 
Renaud asked if he could make a parachute next? 
I think we will stick to accessories for now......


Making Mayonnaise

Making mayonnaise is like making magic. It's a simple pleasure when done properly and a runny disgrace when not. It's one of those recipes that demands total concentration and, laugh if you will, a good positive mood. I have seen many a mayonnaise drip into the compost from the result of a scowly mood.

The recipe is simple, beat continually with a spoon 1(fresh) egg yolk while adding oil in a constant slow dribble. I always add a dollop of dijon mustard to the yolk at the very beginning, you can also use a little vinegar. The mayonnaise is finished when it's thick enough to stand up on it's own. Add salt and pepper to taste.



play room

The toy eater,
You don't have to pick up your toys,okay?
You can leave 'em right there on the floor,
So tonight when the Terrible Toy-Eatin'Tookle
Comes tiptoein' in through the crack in the door,
He'll crunch all your soldiers, he'll munch on your trucks,
He'll chew your poor puppets to shreds,
He'll swallow your Big wheel and slurp up your paints
And bite off your dear dollies heads.
Then he'll wipe off his lips with the sails of your ships, 
And making a burpity noise,
He'll slither away--but hey, that's okay,
You don't have to pick up your toys.
_shel silverstien

We did up the play room for the boys, i regularly recite this poem but they don't seem to be frightened by the words of the great shel silverstein. They just laugh with burpity noises!